Canadian Coptic Orthodox Church of the Nativity

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Updates to Liturgical Services

Date: March 17, 2020

Subject: Updates to Liturgical Services

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Following the COVID-19 situation closely, considering the well being of our congregants, spiritually and physically, and exhausting the benefits and risks of many options regarding liturgical services, we the Bishop and priest of the diocese of Mississauga, Vancouver and Western Canada find it most prudent to pray liturgies without congregation. The fathers in each church in the diocese are committed to praying liturgies on behalf on the congregation during these uncertain times. Please stay home, and follow the streaming services online. Churches will set up communication with the congregants to receive prayer and commemoration of the departed requests. This is a temporary measure. We are regularly evaluating the situation and will keep you updated. 

We encourage each family to follow the daily readings of lent. We trust in our Lord's providence and may He grant you peace, healing, and strengthen your faith through these difficult times.

Diocese of Mississauga, Vancouver and Western Canada

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